
Viewpoint  |  November 2, 2020

30 Years Managing Corporate Credit - November 2020

We have asked six of our portfolio managers to comment on past and current challenges, and to share their thoughts on what to expect next.


Viewpoint  |  July 28, 2020

Syndicated Loans in a Recessionary Environment - July 2020

Syndicated Loans in a Recessionary Environment


Viewpoint  |  May 22, 2020

Private Debt – Active Engagement in Challenging Times - May 2020

The rapid global spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown measures have resulted in a global humanitarian and working capital crisis rolled into one event.


Viewpoint  |  May 6, 2020

Q&A - COVID-19 Impact on Emerging Markets - April 2020

The rapid global spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown measures have resulted in a global humanitarian and working capital crisis rolled into one event.


Viewpoint  |  April 30, 2020

What can the Correction in Oil Mean for Energy Credits? - April 2020

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil fell to a record low last week as demand collapsed in the wake of the COVID-19 lock-down and the Saudi Arabia/Russia price war.


Viewpoint  |  April 15, 2020

Eurogroup Compromise Reached! Mission Accomplished? - April 2020

The Eurogroup met on the evening of Tuesday, April 7th, and after a night-long negotiation which didn’t lead to an agreement, reconvened on Thursday, April 9th. Eventually, the gridlock was broken and a common position on a comprehensive package of measures was reached.


Viewpoint  |  April 3, 2020

A Spectre is Haunting Europe : Debt Mutualisation - April 2020

The renewed debate of debt mutualisation threatens to create new cracks on the European project.


Insight  |  April 2, 2020

Long Term Valuations Can’t Be Ignored - April 2020

Long Term Valuations Can’t Be Ignored


Viewpoint  |  February 28, 2020

Private Debt – An All-Weather Asset Class - February 2020

Where might investors find yield, protection from volatility and investment opportunities across the credit cycle?


Insight  |  February 6, 2020

Part II - Give a Little Credit: Opportunities in Direct Lending - February 2020

Addressing the misperceptions about US Market Potential.


Analysis  |  January 31, 2020

Some Thoughts on Coronavirus (2019-nCov) - January 2020

What impact is the outbreak in China likely to have on the global economy and financial markets?


Analysis  |  January 30, 2020

Video - An Introduction to Private Debt – January 2020

Please click to watch our new video – an introduction to Private Debt.


Viewpoint  |  January 19, 2020

Crossing the Rubicon - January 2020

How can retail investors and the real economy benefit from a changing regulatory environment?