About Muzinich & Co.

We are a global credit specialist across public and private markets.

Our advantage is based on our private ownership and sole focus on credit.

Our private ownership allows us to take a long-term partnership approach with our investors, unconstrained by the short-term thinking that so often dominates finance.

Our focus on credit means our interests are aligned with our investors; our mutual success relies on the quality of our credit analysis and selection.

Public Markets



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Our Story

Fund in Focus

Muzinich Enhancedyield Short-Term Fund

Challenge Falling interest rates will reduce future returns on cash.
Solution Short-duration corporate bonds could offer protection against reinvestment risk without exposing investors to undue volatility in interest rates.

Key Characteristics

Provides exposure to short-duration credit

Invests globally across the US, Europe and emerging markets

Maintains an average investment-grade credit rating, but can increase return potential by investing in high yield

Focused on generating attractive portfolio yield with an average duration of no more than 2 years

Short-duration profile can protect against volatility in interest rates and credit spreads while seeking to provide a predictable return stream

Why this fund?

Helps address reinvestment risk.
Seeks to provide a more predictable return profile.

Why Now?

Falling interest rates will reduce the return on cash. Consistent yield pick up in rate-cutting and hiking cycles.

An Experienced Team

Photo of Tatjana Greil-Castro Tatjana Greil-Castro Co-Lead Portfolio Manager
Photo of Ian Horn Ian Horn Co-Lead Portfolio Manager

Muzinich Enhancedyield Short-Term Fund

The Fund seeks to protect principal in both nominal and inflation adjusted terms and generate
returns, which exceed those available from similar duration government paper. The Fund is a
well-diversified, short duration portfolio consisting of predominantly European and US
investment grade and high yield bonds that have attractive risk-reward characteristics.

Key Facts

Launch Date

November 26, 2003

Geographic Approach


Investment Approach



Less than 2 years

Average Credit Rating

Investment Grade


Article 8

Why Muzinich for Short Duration Credit

Credit Focus

We are 100% focused on corporate credit. Our portfolios are constructed from the bottom up via rigorous, research-driven selection. We believe this helps us to generate attractive, risk-adjusted returns.

Focus on the BB/BBB Market

Leveraging our longstanding expertise in high yield, we apply the same intense approach to finding value in investment-grade issuers. We believe this gives us an edge versus other managers and supports conviction in volatile markets.


Our 30+ year track record is based on the extensive and broad expertise of our investment teams. Muzinich views and opinions are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as investment advice. There can be no guarantee the above objectives will be achieved.


Insight | December 19, 2024

Corporate Credit Outlook 2025: All about yield (still)

Our investment teams set out the key themes credit investors should look out for in 2025.

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Close Up | December 3, 2024

The curve is not flat

In his latest column on the key developments, themes and opportunities in credit markets, Ian Horn examines what the normalisation of yield curves means for investors in the European investment-grade market.

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Close Up | November 1, 2024

Getting technical on European high yield

In his latest column on the key developments, themes and opportunities in credit markets, Ian Horn examines the factors behind the consistent performance of high yield this year.

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For more information, please reach out to the team:

Photo of Jesus Belascoain Jesus Belascoain jbelascoain@muzinich.com
Photo of Rafael Ximenez de Embun Rafael Ximenez de Embun rximenezdeembun@muzinich.com

Telephone: +34 91 084 8895* info@muzinich.com

Important Information

*Calls to Muzinich’s offices outside of the US, may be recorded.

Muzinich Enhancedyield Short-Term Fund is a sub-fund of Muzinich Funds, a unit trust organised under the laws of Ireland and authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as UCITS.

"Muzinich & Co.", “Muzinich” and/or the "Firm" referenced herein is defined as Muzinich & Co. Inc. and its affiliates. This material has been produced for information purposes only and as such the views contained herein are not to be taken as investment advice. The Management Company may decide to revoke the arrangements made for marketing of its collective investment undertakings in accordance with the applicable laws at any time. Opinions are as of date of publication and are subject to change without reference or notification to you. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy. The value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Rates of exchange may cause the value of investments to rise or fall.

Any research in this document has been obtained and may have been acted on by Muzinich for its own purpose. The results of such research are being made available for information purposes and no assurances are made as to their accuracy. Opinions and statements of financial market trends that are based on market conditions constitute our judgment and this judgment may prove to be wrong. The views and opinions expressed should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell or invitation to engage in any investment activity, they are for information purposes only.

SFDR -  Refers to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 or the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) a piece of European financial sector regulation which sets out obligations for financial market participants to disclose specific details on their approach to sustainability risks in their investment process and other details on the provenance of ESG claims that are used to market their financial products. Further details on Muzinich’s SFDR disclosures are available in relevant product documentation such as fund prospectuses and supplements on our website www.muzinich.com.

These materials do not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any product or service (nor shall any product or service be offered or sold to any person) in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities law of that jurisdiction. Based on your jurisdiction, please note that investment is subject to documentation, including but not limited to the Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIID) or Key Information document (KID) which contain a comprehensive disclosure of applicable risks. Investors in the UK should also access the Muzinich Supplemental Information Document (‘SID’). Each of these documents are available in English at www.muzinich.com, together with the Fund’s annual and semi-annual reports. KIID/KIDs are available by share class in each language required in the countries in which the share classes are registered. A complete listing of the KIID/KIDs are available at www.Muzinich.com and www.fundinfo.com. Investors should confer with their independent financial, legal or tax advisors. A summary of investor rights for investors in this Fund is available in English at www.muzinich.com/regulatory-disclosures.

Any index referred herein reflects its own methodology for the characteristics shown and may not be consistent with Muzinich’s methodology. Portfolio characteristics subject to change. Muzinich views and opinions for illustrative purposes only. Not to be construed as investment advice.

PARA CHILE – ESTA OFERTA PRIVADA SE INICIA EL DÍA SEGÚN LO ESTABLECIDO EN EL TÍTULO Y SE ACOGE A LAS DISPOSICIONES DE LA NORMA DE CARÁCTER GENERAL Nº 336 DE LA SUPERINTENDENCIA DE VALORES Y SEGUROS, HOY COMISIÓN PARA EL MERCADO FINANCIERO. ESTA OFERTA VERSA SOBRE VALORES NO INSCRITOS EN EL REGISTRO DE VALORES O EN EL REGISTRO DE VALORES EXTRANJEROS QUE LLEVA LA COMISIÓN PARA EL MERCADO FINANCIERO, POR LO QUE TALES VALORES NO ESTÁN SUJETOS A LA FISCALIZACIÓN DE ÉSTA. POR TRATAR DE VALORES NO INSCRITOS NO EXISTE LA OBLIGACIÓN POR PARTE DEL EMISOR DE ENTREGAR EN CHILE INFORMACIÓN PÚBLICA RESPECTO DE LOS VALORES SOBRE LOS QUE VERSA ESTA OFERTA. ESTOS VALORES NO PODRÁN SER OBJETO DE OFERTA PÚBLICA MIENTRAS NO SEAN INSCRITOS EN EL REGISTRO DE VALORES CORRESPONDIENTE. For Chile – This private offer commences on the date as stated in the title and it avails itself of the General Regulation No. 336 of the Superintendence of Securities and Insurances, currently the Financial Markets Commission. This offer relates to securities not registered with the Securities Registry or the Registry of Foreign Securities of the Financial Markets Commission, and therefore such securities are not subject to oversight by the latter. Being unregistered securities, there is no obligation on the issuer to provide public information in Chile regarding such securities. These securities may not be subject to a public offer until they are registered in the corresponding Securities Registry.

For Argentina – Neither Muzinich (including any of its affiliates) nor the securities referenced herein will be registered in the Registro de Valores (Securities Registry) kept by the Comisión Nacional de Valores (Argentine Securities Commission or “CNV”) and will not be subject to the supervision of the CNV. If such securities are offered within Argentina, please be advised that they do not constitute a public offer of securities in Argentina within the meaning of section 2 of Argentine Act No. 26,861 (“Securities Act”). The issuer has no obligation to deliver public information in Argentina. These securities shall not be subject to public offering in Argentina.

For Brazil: Units in the Fund may not be offered or sold to the public in Brazil. Accordingly, units in the Fund have not been nor will be registered with the Brazilian Securities Commission - CVM nor have they been submitted to the foregoing agency for approval. Documents relating to units in the Fund, as well as the information contained therein, may not be supplied to the public in Brazil, as the offering of such units is not a public offering of securities in Brazil, nor used in connection with any offer for subscription or sale of securities to the public in Brazil.

For Mexico: Units in the Fund have not been and will not be registered with the National Registry of Securities, maintained by the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission and, as a result, may not be offered or sold publicly in Mexico. The Fund and any underwriter or purchaser may offer and sell units of the Fund in Mexico on a private placement basis to Institutional and Accredited Investors pursuant to Article 8 of the Mexican Securities Market Law. All investors are responsible for calculating and paying their own taxes, receiving any necessary tax advice and neither Muzinich nor the Fund is deemed to have provided tax advice to any investor, and is indemnified from any resulting liability.

For Panama: Units in the Fund may not be offered or sold to the public in Panama. Units in the Fund have not been listed with the Superintendence of the Securities Market and neither has any offering, sale or transaction with them. The listing exemption has been made based on Article 83 (3) of Decree Law No. 1 of July 8, 1999 (Institutional Investors). Consequently, the tax treatment established under Articles 269 to 271 of Law Decree 1, dated 8 July 1999, does not apply. These Securities do not fall under the supervision of the Superintendence of the Securities Market.

For Costa Rica: This is an individual and private offer which is made in Costa Rica upon reliance on an exemption from registration before the General Superintendency of Securities (“SUGEVAL”), pursuant to article 6 of the Regulations on the Public Offering of Securities (“Reglamento sobre Oferta Pública de Valores”). This information is confidential, and is not to be reproduced or distributed to third parties as this is NOT a public offering of securities in Costa Rica. The product being offered is not intended for the Costa Rican public or market and neither is it registered or will be registered before the SUGEVAL, nor can it be traded in the secondary market.

For Guatemala: This communication and any accompanying information (the “Materials”) are intended solely for informational purposes and do not constitute (and should not be interpreted to constitute) the offering, selling, or conducting of business with respect to such securities, products or services in the jurisdiction of the addressee (this “Jurisdiction”), or the conducting of any brokerage, banking or other similarly regulated activities (“Financial Activities”) in this Jurisdiction. Neither Muzinich, nor the securities, products and services described herein, are registered (or intended to be registered) in this Jurisdiction. Furthermore, neither Muzinich, nor the securities, products, services or activities described herein, are regulated or supervised by any governmental or similar authority in this Jurisdiction. The Materials are private, confidential and are sent by Muzinich only for the exclusive use of the addressee. The Materials must not be publicly distributed and any use of the Materials by anyone other than the addressee is not authorized. The addressee is required to comply with all applicable laws in this Jurisdiction, including, without limitation, tax laws and exchange control regulations, if any.

For El Salvador: This document has been produced for the purpose of providing information about the Fund. This document is made available on the condition that it is for the use only by the recipient and may not be passed on to any other person or be reproduced in any part. The Units of the Fund have not been and will not be offered in the course of a public offering or of equivalent marketing in El Salvador and therefore, the provisions of the Stock Market Law of 1994 (Ley del Mercado de Valores) as amended, relating to registration requirements and to prospectus requirements do not apply. The Units have thus neither been registered for public distribution in El Salvador with the Stock Superintendency nor been the subject matter of a prospectus compliant with the Stock Market Law. Any subscription application by any person other than the initial recipient of this document will be rejected.

For Bermuda: Units in the Fund may be offered or sold in Bermuda only in compliance with the provisions of the Investment Business Act of 2003 of Bermuda which regulates the sale of securities in Bermuda. Additionally, non-Bermudian persons (including companies) may not carry on or engage in any trade or business in Bermuda unless such persons are permitted to do so under applicable Bermuda legislation.

For British Virgin Islands: The Fund is not registered or recognised in the British Virgin Islands and as such Units in the Fund may not be offered to individuals in the British Virgin Islands. However, Units may be offered to British Virgin Islands Business Companies and/or persons who are not members of the public from outside the British Virgin Islands. A British Virgin Islands Business Company is a company formed under or otherwise governed by the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004 (British Virgin Islands).The Fund is not managed against a particular benchmark or index unless otherwise stated in the relevant KIID or prospectus. Any reference to a benchmark or index in this document is purely for risk/performance comparison purposes.

For Colombia: This document does not constitute a public offer in the Republic of Colombia. The offer of Units in the Fund is addressed to less than one hundred specifically identified investors. The Fund may not be promoted or marketed in Colombia or to Colombian residents, unless such promotion and marketing is made in compliance with Decree 2555 of 2010 and other applicable rules and regulations related to the promotion of foreign funds in Colombia. The distribution of this document and the offering of Units in the Fund may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. The information contained in this document is for general guidance only, and it is the responsibility of any person or persons in possession of this document and wishing to make application for Units in the Fund to inform themselves of, and to observe, all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. Prospective applicants for Units in the Fund should inform themselves of any applicable legal requirements, exchange control regulations and applicable taxes in the countries of their respective citizenship, residence or domicile.

Bolivia: This is not a public offer and as such this document has not been approved by any regulatory entity in Bolivia. This is a private offer exclusively intended for the person to whom this document is addressed.

Venezuela: Under the laws of the República Bolivariana de Venezuela (“Venezuela”), no public offer of the securities described in this document may take place in Venezuela without the prior due authorisations under capital markets and exchange control regulations in effect in Venezuela. This document may not be publicly distributed within the territory of Venezuela. The private offer and/or the public offer of the securities described in this document within the territory of Venezuela is subject to exchange control and securities regulations in effect in Venezuela.

Issued in the European Union by Muzinich & Co. (Ireland) Limited, which is authorized and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered in Ireland, Company Registration No. 307511.  Registered address: 32 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, D02 Y512, Ireland. Issued in all other jurisdictions (excluding the U.S.) by Muzinich & Co. Limited. which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales No. 3852444. Registered address: 8 Hanover Street, London W1S 1YQ, United Kingdom. Ref - 2024-11-27-14995

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