Multi-Asset Credit

Our multi-asset strategies blend different sub-asset classes of corporate credit, seeking to optimise clients’ risk/return profiles, underpinned by a strong capital preservation mindset. These strategies include tactical programmes, which aim to increase or decrease risk exposure depending on the market environment, and more illiquid programmes that combine public and private credit instruments into a single portfolio.

Our Advantage

  • Dynamic and Flexible Approach – across the fixed income universe and in different instruments in the corporate capital structure
  • Utilizes Global Resources – with regular input from the Asset Allocation Group which shapes top-down and bottom-up views
  • Ability to Combine Liquid/Illiquid Credit – leveraging our research and portfolio management teams in public and private markets


Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not an indication of current or future performance.

Illiquidity Risk:  Illiquidity occurs when a security or other asset that cannot easily and/or quickly sold or exchanged for cash without a substantial loss in value. As a result, investments may be illiquid and there can be no assurance that investments can be bought or sold.

“We take a collaborative approach in our multi-asset strategies, utilizing the deep credit expertise of our global investment team with the dual purpose of generating yield while preserving capital”

Mike McEachern, Co-Head of Public Markets, Portfolio Manager

Photo of Mike McEachern, Co-Head of Public Markets, Portfolio Manager



Oct 10, 2024

Muzinich Asset Allocation Group Monthly Update - October 2024

Please click to watch our latest Asset Allocation Group video update for the month of October 2024.


Jun 19, 2024

Podcast - Adapt and thrive: A dynamic approach to credit investing

In the latest episode of the Muzinich podcast, we explore the potential benefits of a more dynamic approach to credit investing with Mike McEachern, Co-Head of Public Markets at Muzinich and the lead portfolio manager on the Dynamic Credit Income strategy.


Jun 19, 2024

Return of the MAC: A dynamic approach to credit investing

With fears of an economic hard landing abating and rates expected to stay higher for longer, our co-head of public markets and portfolio manager Mike McEachern discusses how a greater allocation to high yield, underpinned by strong risk management, can potentially boost the return appeal of a multi-asset credit strategy.

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