Investment Grade/Crossover

With around half of the investment grade market rated BBB, we apply high yield-style analysis to potentially attractive investment grade rated credits. This enables us to identify opportunities that may have been mispriced by the market, which we believe are solid credits that offer upside potential.

We have managed investment grade credit portfolios since 2003 and our strategies offer exposure to global markets. Most of these include a high yield component of varying magnitude depending on the risk profile, and we define these as crossover strategies. Combining investment grade and high yield may enhance returns whilst reducing volatility, thanks to the offsetting nature of these two sub-asset classes. This combination also allows us to take advantage of opportunities created by companies moving between the two rating categories, through rising stars and fallen angels.

Our Advantage

  • A Focus on Short Duration – allows investors to benefit from our credit analysis (and potential ensuing carry), whilst limiting interest rate exposure
  • Blending Investment Grade with High Yield – seeks to elevate return potential while reducing volatility
  • Deep Fundamental Credit Analysis – aims to identify creditworthy companies with attractive carry, applying a fundamental bottom-up approach


Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not an indication of current or future performance.

Credit Risk: High yield securities which are rated below investment grade, are considered to be speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and principal and they are susceptible to default or decline in market value due to adverse economic and business developments.


“Having the flexibility to invest in both investment grade and high yield allows us to position the portfolio appropriately for different stages of the credit cycle. A global mandate meanwhile enables us to allocate by geography, currency and rating, with the aim of capturing opportunities wherever they appear”

Tatjana Greil-Castro, Co-Head of Public Markets, Portfolio Manager

Photo of Tatjana Greil-Castro, Co-Head of Public Markets, Portfolio Manager



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