Sustainable Investments: High Yield Low Carbon

We have invested in global high yield since 2003. In 2021 we started a sub-strategy with a low carbon investment methodology with climate change mitigation at its core.

The strategy takes a three-pronged approach to global high yield low carbon where we apply a set of customized industry and conduct-based exclusions, target high carbon efficiency primarily through low fossil fuel exposure, and apply strict ESG standards on individual holdings. 

We believe bottom-up security selection remains the primary driver of performance, while the strategy’s global investment universe enables us to add value through top-down country and sector allocation, despite the removal of fossil fuels from the universe. 

Capital en riesgo. El valor de las inversiones y los ingresos derivados de ellas pueden tanto bajar como subir y no está garantizado.  Es posible que los inversores no recuperen la totalidad del importe invertido. La rentabilidad pasada no es indicativa de la rentabilidad actual o futura.

Inicio de la Estrategia


Ubicación de los Gestores

New York, London