News & Press Releases



Jul 15, 2024

Muzinich Weekly Market Comment: In season

In our latest roundup of developments in financial markets and economies, we explain why the drivers of the recent rally in credit have been more nuanced than the usual seasonal factors.


Jul 15, 2024

Impasse: What next for France?

French president Emmanuel Macron called a snap election on June 9. But with no group winning a clear majority following the two round French election, where does the country go from here? That’s the question we try to answer in the latest episode of the Muzinich Podcast, featuring Erick Muller, director of product and investment strategy at Muzinich.


Jul 11, 2024

Muzinich Asset Allocation Group Monthly Update - July 2024

Please click to watch our latest Asset Allocation Group video update for the month of July 2024.

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